Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Otiko Writes To Parliament

Minister designate for Gender and Social Protection, Otiko Afisa Djaba has written a letter giving further explanations on why she didn't do her national service.
The issues of national service was among several issues that were raised when the Minister designate appeared before the Appointment Committee of Parliament.

Currently, all the Minority legislators on the Appointments Committee are against Ms Djaba’s approval citing her inability to undertake her national service as well as for her posture during her vetting.

Debating the issues on the floor of parliament on Friday, February 3, Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu said: “She does not have our support and she will not have our support until she behaves in a manner befitting a minister.”

In a letter addressed to the chairman of the Committee, Otiko said: "I wish to explain further that I did not undertake National Service upon completion of a course of study at the University of Development Studies (UDS), Wa Campus, in 2009, because I was informed that persons who were over forty (40) years of age were exempted from national service," she stated in the letter.

Read the full letter below:

P.O. Box CT8799
2nd February, 2017

The Chairman
Appointments Committee
Parliament of Ghana
Parliament House

Dear Sir,


I am writing to clarify responses I gave in answer to a question posed to me about my national service during my appearance at the Appointments Committee, as part of the vetting processes to assume the office of Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection.

I wish to explain further that I did not undertake National Service upon completion of a course of study at the University of Development Studies (UDS), Wa Campus, in 2009, because I was informed that persons who were over forty (40) years of age were exempt from national service.

I completed UDS in 2009 at the age of 47, and consequently, was under the impression that I was exempt from national service.

As a Ghanaian patriot, who has worked in the most inhospitable parts of Ghana like the Sissala District for over six years, and provided various services to my nation in many other fields of endeavour, it would be inconceivable that I would deliberately abstain serving my nation.

I hope that this explanation would inform your decision in respect of my non-participation in the National Service Scheme upon completion of UDS in 2009.

Yours faithfully,
Otiko Djaba
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection

Source: Peacefmonline.com